Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Feeling sorry for myself

I didn't go out tonight. It's one of those inconsolably lonely nights. I hate times like these where I would rather sulk and feel sorry for myself than celebrate my last 12 nights in college.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

De-Tags & Excuses

Recently, anytime any of my friends post a picture of me on Facebook, I automatically de-tag it. I can't help it -- I look roughly the size of a baby whale. I used to be able to laugh it off or convince myself that the photo was taken from the wrong angle.

But, then I look at pictures of myself from freshman year (or even junior year) of college, and realize that this is not the case. The angle is not the problem. I am the problem. It is time to get back in to shape, get healthy, and lose the weight.

Goal? 40 pounds in 12 months. If I can do it sooner -- all the better. Will you help me?